Track Record
Current Portfolio Performance
- Property Address: 141 S 13th St., Council Bluffs, IA
- Purchase Date: 10/30/23
- Total Units: 36 (1 additional unit as ADA bathroom)
- Purchase Price: $650,000
- Square Footage: 10,920 sq/ft
- $ per Sq/Ft: $59.53
- $ per Total Units: $17,568
- Occupancy at Closing: 46%
- Current Occupancy: 100%
Background: This facility was built in the last few years and was the previous owners’ first venture into the self- storage space. Despite their efforts, they struggled with occupancy rates, which remained around 40% after the first year. Identifying this opportunity through our proprietary methods to source off market deals, we quickly acquired the asset and applied our operational efficiencies using our advanced software and technology. Taking a conservative approach in our underwriting, we projected 90% occupancy within three years. Remarkably, within just seven months, we achieved 100% occupancy. This operational turnaround is projected to boost our net operating income by over 20% from our original estimates.
- Property Address: 4648 Cuming St., Omaha, NE
- Hold Period: 4 years
- Total Units: 24
- Purchase Price: $1,130,000
- Sold Price: $1,360,000
- Net Proceeds: $190,131
Background: Despite lower overall returns, the Cuming St project yielded a significant net profit. The market during this period was characterized by higher interest rates and increased inventory, leading to slower transactions. Nevertheless, our thorough underwriting process, which carefully considers potential market changes, enabled us to achieve a positive outcome. This project underscores our ability to generate profits even in challenging economic conditions, showcasing the robustness of our investment strategy.
- Property Address: 1918 S 29th Cir, Omaha, NE
- Hold Period: 2.5 years
- Total Units: 12
- Purchase Price: $435,000
- Sold Price: $750,000
- Net Proceeds: $304,071
- Equity Multiple: 1.55
- IRR: 42.69%
Background: The 29th Cir project highlights our ability to identify and capitalize on high-potential properties. Through strategic renovations and effective management, we significantly increased the property’s value, resulting in outstanding returns for our investors.
We have also achieved impressive returns on quick fix and flip projects, generating the following swift and substantial average returns:
- Payback Period: 5.28 months
- Cash on Cash: 227%
- Equity Multiple: 3.31
- IRR: 349%
- Return on Investment (ROI): 128%